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  • Páginas: 210
  • Formato: 21x14 cm
  • Fecha Edición: 2021
  • Edición: 21062021
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Libro - Bolsillo (España) - Trade paperback (EE.UU).

  • 9791220108034
  • Autor: Abhishek Chaturbedi

  • Light and darkness. Up and down. In and out. Body and soul. One and all. But what if light is darkness, up is down, in is out, body is soul, and one is all? A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality opens unique and deep scenarios on humanity’s timeless questions. Who are we? What is “we”? Is there a significance to existence? Scientists, philosophers, and even believers tried to find an answer to these inquiries, but, in their search for the truth, often sectioned and tore apart the concept of reality, missing what only a broader view, a gaze upon the unity of reality itself, could give them. Commonality between religion, science and spirituality. In general, they are considered separate entities, but is our lack of clarity on these subjects that makes them look different. This remarkable dissertation on the nature of all things contemplates on subjects as the essence of God, and the inexact, if not superstitious, notions that have always accompanied the human perception of this superior, holy entity. God didn’t just create everything that exists. God is everything that exists. So why are things such as evil, illnesses, and pain allowed to take place? To show the way towards a response, the author takes his readers’ hands to gently guide them along the path of self-consciousness, expressing the invite to explore both the inner and outer manifestations of life and to experience the daily passing of time as more than a simple materialistic, raw, and unaware survival. Abhishek Chaturbedi’s literary work is at the same time a philosophical essay and a guide that avoids hyperbolic intellectual discussions, theological doctrines and complex scientific theories, so that the readers can easily grasp the book’s message. A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality will help all those souls that, still lost, are searching for the path towards inner peace.
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