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  • Páginas: 240
  • Formato: 24,4x2,1x16,99 cm
  • Fecha Edición: 2016
  • Edición: 14022016
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,57153 kg.
  • 1001 Games and exercises of padel

  • 9788499933924
  • Autores: Juan José Moyano Vázque, Juanjo Moyano Vázquez

  • Padel is a young sport, which is starting a lot of people, which makes it one of the fastest growing sports in Spain today. By having a few years of life, padel does nos have a high educational level development and today there are only a small number of dedicated coaches who acquaint their knowledge based on experience in working with pupils and professional players. From this arises the importance of expanding and communicate this knowledge and experience, to continue training instructors and coaches collaborate on a sustained growth of padel sport. The training itself teach pupils the secrets of the game and the keys that will lead to improve every day. All without distinction can surpass whatever our level of play. Here comes the importance to experience the feeling of taking classes, training, although our goal is not to become professional players. It is essential to understand that if we learn to play better, surely we manage to fun a little every day and we can get our relationship with the padel takes hold to never stop entertaining and get interested in it. As professional players, we invite you, from these lines, to let love for this great sport that fascinated currently more than 2 million Spanish players (date 2011, 5 million Spanish players in 2015).
  • 27,56 Eur
  • 26,18 Eur

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