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  • Páginas: 264
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Peso: 0,54 kg.
  • Editorial: COMARES
  • Manual de química forense

  • 9788498366259
  • Autor: Ana Castelló Ponce

  • One of the first books on the subject of forensic chemistry is Alfred Lucas# #Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation#, first published in 1921 and running on to four further editions. Lucas opened up to his readers the fascinating world of how chemistry can be used to extract valuable information from evidence obtained during a criminal investigation. Since then, numerous technical and non-technical articles, chapters of books, and reports have have endeavoured to explain and raise awareness of the role that chemistry plays in forensic science. This book contains a fascinating account of some of the current applications of chemistry, as an aid to Justice. It is very readable and is aimed not only at scientists, lawyers, and judges, but also to students in the field and also all those who are simply curious about this ScienceThe book presents the basic scientific principles and applications in a clear and understandable way without diluting or compromising science. When we forensic scientists testify in a court of law, we present, explain and interpret our findings and we have to do so in clear and concise terms so as to be understood by the jury, lawyers, and judges. This book does just that, and does so very well indeed. The last line of the book is well worth mentioning. It says, #The thing is, even though it may seem magic that the smallest piece of fibre, paint, a shred of glass# can reveal such valuable information, we know very well that it is not so, it is Forensic Chemistry#
  • 17,00 Eur
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