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  • 38,00 Eur
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  • Páginas: 352
  • Formato: 24x17 cm
  • Edición: 17112005
  • Idioma: Castellano, Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Editorial: EDIASA
  • Understanding old and middle english texts. A guide to diachronic translation.

  • 9788496062566
  • Autores: Mª Del Carmen Guarddon Anelo, Mª Del Carmen Guarddon Anelo

  • This book is a guide to the translation of English texts from the Old and Middle English periods. It gives students of the History of the English Language pedagogical practice to the large amount of theory they have to learn. The book contains a subtle combination of theory and pratice, which makes it easy to read and easy to understand for readers. The will be able to understand the diachronic changes undergone by English without being confronted with and endless labyrinth of linguistic data. The significant patterns and developments of Old and Middle English grammar are illustrated through a specially-chosen variety of texts. Each text is accompained by a glossary organised by grammatical categories that include short explanations to help the student gain a comprehensive understanding of the highlights of Old and Middle English morphology. Each text also includes two sections devoted to syntactic analysis, the first at phrase and a second at clause level. Together, the various sections provide a rigorous method to undertake the comprehension of the early English text in a sistematic way.
  • 38,00 Eur
  • 36,10 Eur

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