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  • Fecha Edición: 2014
  • Edición: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Libro digital.
  • The missing detective

  • 9788467861860
  • Autores: David Blanco Laserna, Puño, David Silles McLaney

  • A fifteen year old young man regains consciousness in an alley in London, in 1873. He’s got a gash on his forehead and can’t remember anything about his past. With a blank mind, he will have to solve an insoluble problem: an assassin has threatened to kill multimillionaire Gideon K. Crispin. Crispin locks up himself in the safest room in his house, with a policeman guarding the door. In spite of all precautions, someone will manage to enter without being seen, shoot at him and disappear. Also, in this book you will find: - A short biography of Marie Curie. - The hidden forces of the atoms. - A demonstration of how senses can confuse us.
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