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  • 25,00 Eur
  • 23,75 Eur

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  • Páginas: 182
  • Fecha Edición: 2023
  • Edición: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,36 kg.
  • Cryptoassets, DeFi Regulation and DLT: Proceedings of the II Token World Conference

    Proceedings of the II Token World Conference

  • 9788429027044
  • Autores: Javier Ibáñez Jiménez, Carlos De Cores Helguera, Sagrario Navarro Lérida, Ricardo Palomo Zurdo, Antonio Serrano Acitores, Javier Wenceslao Ibáñez Jiménez, Jörn Erbguth, Ana Felícitas Muñoz-Pérez, Matthias Fischer, Suzana Maranhão Moreno, Rosa Giovanna Barresi, Steffen Schwalm, Joachim Schwerin, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Filippo Zatti

  • The evolution of the MiCA Regulation and other key laws of the EU Digital Finance Strategy, the nature of NFT tokenisation and trading, the tokenomics of the metaverse, and relevant token data protection issues, are encompassed in this volume, edited to publish the contents of the II Token World Conference proceedings. . 2022 was the second year in which a Token World Conference took place as a result of a joint initiative of the Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem -Alastria Networks Consortium- / Comillas University -FinTech Observatory-/ URJC - DYDEM that has successfully brought together the visions and experiences of world-leading experts in DLT legal issues, within the fields of DeFi regulation, MiCA investment services, crypto-asset exchanges, CBDCs and DAO governance, amongst others. . No doubt the reader will find herein fundamental and inspiring ideas to be set in legal and financial practice for the future of tokenization and token markets. . As we could hear within the closing speech of the Conference from Joachim Schwering, Principal Economist at the EU Commission (EC) and promoter of the Tokenise Europe 2025 initiative spearheaded by German Banking Association and the EC, the potential of asset tokenisation and metaverse to strengthen entrepreneurial competitiveness —mainly of startups— should be prioritized viewing the 2030 horizon, to bring long-term financial stability, economic resilience and security in the context of the forthcoming DeFi/MiCA scenario. A huge challenge requiring digital skills from policymakers and regulators, like data literacy, problem-solving with digital tools, public-private co-learning in sandboxes and digital hub enhanced development.
  • 25,00 Eur
  • 23,75 Eur

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