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  • Páginas: 260
  • Formato: 26,7x21,6x0,64 cm
  • Fecha Edición: 2005
  • Edición: 29062005
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa Dura.
  • Peso: 0,36 kg.
  • Tupi y el muñeco de nieve (bis)

  • 9788423674091
  • Autores: Mercè Aránega, Mercè Arànega Espanyol

  • Johnny the Mouse invites Tupi?s family to celebrate his birthday. Tupi?s mother cooks a cake, the father wraps a gift and they get to Johnny?s house. That day is snowing and Tupi is having fun. The family takes a small rest on the way to the top of the mountain, and Tupi decides to give Johnny a snowman as a present. Then they create a slide to descend mountain to Johnny?s house. Mum, Dad, the gift, the cake, Tupi and also the snowman! But at the end of the road they fall from the slide. Mum, Dad, the gift, the cake and Tupi are unharmed but the snowman is completely smashed. But Johnny the Mouse tells Tupi not to worry about that since the following day they will have plenty of time to build another snowman!
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