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  • Páginas: 144
  • Formato: 21x13,5x0,80 cm
  • Fecha Edición: 2021
  • Edición: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo - Trade paperback (Reino Unido).
  • Peso: 0,19 kg.
  • Editorial: MINERVA
  • Living and working abroad

    A survival guide

  • 9788418236013
  • Autor: Federico J González Tejera

  • Living and working abroad is an opportunity that is ever more in our reach. However, should we accept the proposal if we are offered the chance? Do we all have what it takes to succeed? What determines whether or not we will assimilate well into the new society? How can we compare cultures? What are the key factors for success? What will your day-to-day business life be like abroad? What can you expect in terms of family life? What are the pros and cons, the risks and the opportunities? In this book, the author asks and answers these and many other questions in a dynamic and entertaining narrative, full of examples drawn from his own experience and that of his colleagues.;Autor: González Tejera, Federico J.;Federico J. González desarrolla su actividad profesional en el mundo de la empresa desde 1998. Ha vivido y trabajado desde entonces en Madrid, Bruselas, Estocolmo, Lisboa, y ahora reside en París. También es autor del libro Como hacerse el sueco en los negocios con éxito, también publicado en esta editorial
  • 15,00 Eur
  • 14,25 Eur

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