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  • Páginas: 105
  • Formato: 24x17x0,50 cm
  • Fecha Edición: 2018
  • Edición: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo - Libro no cosido / Encuadernación arráfica / P.
  • Peso: 0,35 kg.
  • English for occupational therapy

  • 9788417445010
  • Autores: Carlos Menéndez Otero, Laura Martínez García, Raquel Serrano González

  • This textbook is targeted at Occupational Therapy students and professionals interested in learning the specific language they will need to master for their professional practice. The materials presented are aimed at users with a pre-intermediate or B1 level of English (CEFR, 2001), although the activities included range in level from beginner (A2) to upper intermediate (B2). The book is structured into four units which are in turn divided into subsections; each one elaborates on a topic of central importance for the exercise of Occupational Therapy. All chapters include at least one task to practice each of the receptive skills (reading and listening), whilst the productive skills (writing and speaking) are alternated between units. The textbook has been designed to be used either in tutored courses or as self-study material. All chapters provide detailed grammar explanations and an English-Spanish glossary, which includes all the specific terms introduced throughout the unit and their phonological transcription. The transcripts of the listening tracks are also compiled in the final section to facilitate both self-study and the reinforcement of the contents seen in class.
  • 10,00 Eur
  • 9,50 Eur

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