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  • 50,20 Eur
  • 47,69 Eur

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  • Páginas: 355
  • Fecha Edición: 2013
  • Edición: 01052013
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Espiral.
  • Peso: 0,85 kg.
  • Visual arts. 2 Secondary

  • 9788415478775
  • Autores: Félix Conde, Félix Conde Miranda

  • An opportunity for students to develop a thorough understanding of visual art and improve their English. Visual Arts gives students a firm foundation in the principles behind great works of art, and offers guidance for learners to produce their own. The course is organised in three sections. First learners look at Visual Communication. Then they explore the importance of Shape. Finally, Geometry is the focus. The course comes with an Art Appreciation Booklet to guide students in their own analysis of art. Extensive materials with comprehensive guidance make the English component of the course easy to teach. A CD Picture Bank provides a selection of pictures to give students further exposure to art. A Digital workbook, extra interactive and online resources really help the course to come alive!
  • 50,20 Eur
  • 47,69 Eur

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