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  • Páginas: 180
  • Fecha Edición: 2008
  • Edición: 14052008
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,13 kg.
  • The Man In The Iron Mask

  • 9781843259244
  • Autores: Alejandro Dumas, Express Publishing (Obra Colectiva)

  • My name is D?Artagnan. I was once Captain of the King?s Guard for the present King. Louis XIV, and before that, for his;father, Louis XIII.;You may have heard of my three friends, Athos, Aramis and Porthos. We were all Musketeers, which means we were trained;to use a musket, a kind of gun. But our favourite weapon was alwasy the sword. To win a fight with a sword, you have touse;your brain, and at the same time, move quickly and cleverly on your feet. In the old days, when we were young, some people;said that a whole army could not beat us.;It was my job to serve kings, not judge them, but there are times in every man?s life when he has to make an important decision;a decision that will not only change his life but he history of the world. I am going to tell you the story of how I came to make;such a decision.;My story begins in the early summer of 1667. Louis XIV was on the throne of France, with his wife, the Queen Marie Therese;at his side. His mother, Anna of Austria also lived with him at court, and in a way I felt responsible for the safety of them all;although my first duty was to the King.;France was at war with Spain over the Spanish Netherlands. War is a hungry master. It needs money to make cannons and;guns and to buy food for its armies. So, all the money and food that should have been used to feed the poor of France was;going to the war.
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