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  • Páginas: 198
  • Edición: 27102006
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,15 kg.
  • Editorial: MACMILLAN
  • MR (P) Far From the Madding Crowd Pk

  • 9781405087094
  • Autores: Thomas Hardy, J Escott, T Hardy

  • The sword moved again, and the light from the sun flashed on the bright metal. Soon, all that Bathsheba could see was a bright light flashing around her. Troy had never practised better than this.;Your hair is a little untidy, Miss Everdene," he said. "I?ll make it tidy for you.;The sword went past her ear with a whispering sound. A small piece of her hair fell to the ground. She watched him pick up the lock of hair and put it in his pocket.;I?ll keep this forever," he said. He came closer to her. "I must leave you now.;Then he kissed her softly on the lips. She was not strong enough to say or do anything to stop him. A moment later, he was gone.
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