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  • Páginas: 198
  • Edición: 042005
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,50 kg.
  • Editorial: MACMILLAN
  • MR (B) Signalman & Ghost Trial

  • 9781405072496
  • Autor: Charles Dickens

  • The Signalman ond The Ghost at the Trial;1860 - England. Two frightening ghost stories.;The Signalman;A visitor comes to a signal-box next to a railway tunnel. The signalman tells the visitor about his important work. But the signalman also tells him a frightening story. Is the story true? Is there a ghost on the railway?;The Ghost at the Trial;George Fothergill listens to a trial in a court of law. A man is accused of murder. Did the man murder his friend? Then George sees something strange at night. And he sees a strange man in the court. Why does the man always look at George? Why does the man never speak?
  • 7,60 Eur
  • 7,22 Eur

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