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  • Páginas: 199
  • Edición: 09012008
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,13 kg.
  • Editorial: MACMILLAN
  • MR (U) Moby Dick

  • 9780230026872
  • Autores: Herman Melville, J Escott, H Melville

  • Ahab lookeed over the side of the boat and stared into the water. At first he saw only a white spot under the sea, but it grew bigger as it grew nearer to the surface of the water. Suddenly, Ahab could see two long rows of sharp teeth. It was Moby Dick?s opne mouth!.;When Ishmael and his friend join the crew of the whaling ship the Pequod, they are unaware that its captain, the mysterious Ahab, is out for revenge. His plan is to pursue and kill the vicious whit whale, Moby Dick, and no one can stop him!
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