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  • 8,50 Eur
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  • Formato: 20x0,2x13,00 cm
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,095 kg.
  • New Oxford Progressive English Readers 2. Gulliver's Travels. A Voyage to Lilliput

  • 9780195971361
  • Autor: Jonathan Swift

  • Gulliver's ship is lost in a storm, and he has to swim to save his life. After many hours, he reaches land. He lies down on the shore, and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he can't get up. He is tied to the ground. His hair is tied down too, so he can't move his head. He feels something walking along his body. There, standing on his chest, is a man. He is no more than six inches tall! This is how Gulliver begins his life in Lilliput - a country where everything is one tenth of its normal size. To the people who live there, Gulliver looks like a dangerous giant, but the Emperor bravely decides to speak to him.
  • 8,50 Eur
  • 7,65 Eur

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