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  • Formato: 19,8x0,5x13,21 cm
  • Edición: 2016
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,10 kg.
  • Oxford Bookworms 3. Ethan Frome MP3 Pack

  • 9780194637817
  • Autor: Edith Wharton

  • Life is always hard for the poor, in any place and at any time. Ethan Frome is a farmer in Massachusetts. He works long hours every day, but his farm makes very little money. His wife, Zeena, is a thin, grey woman, always complaining, and only interested in her own ill health. Then Mattie Silver, a young cousin, comes to live with the Fromes, to help Zeena and do the housework. Her bright smile and laughing voice bring light and hope into the Fromes' house - and into Ethan's lonely life. But poverty is a prison from which few people escape . . .
  • 9,90 Eur
  • 9,41 Eur

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