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  • Formato: 20,1x0,6x13,79 cm
  • Edición: 2016
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,115 kg.
  • Oxford Bookworms 4. Silas Marner MP3 Pack

  • 9780194621120
  • Autor: George Eliot

  • Ideal for intermediate and more confident learners of English looking to improve or practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.In a hole under the floorboards Silas Marner the linen-weaver keeps his gold. Every day he works hard at his weaving, and every night he takes the gold out and holds the bright coin lovingly, feeling them and counting them again and again. The villagers are afraid of him and he has no family, no friends. Only the gold is his friend, his delight, his reason for living.But what if a thief should come in the night and take his gold away? What will Silas do then? What could possibly comfort him for the loss of his only friend?
  • 9,90 Eur
  • 9,41 Eur

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