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  • Páginas: 380
  • Formato: 15x2,1x7,70 cm
  • Edición: 2012
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo.
  • Peso: 0,20 kg.
  • Oxford Learner's Pocket Word Skills

  • 9780194620147
  • Autor: Ruth Gairns

  • Oxford Learner's Pocket Word Skills can help students increase their vocabulary in one compact easy-to- use book. How? It includes a wide range of subjects covering every day topics as well as topics such as the natural world, communication technology and society. There are also sections on Writing in English, Written exam questions and Spoken English. It includes most of the topics commonly found in course books but teaches a range of vocabulary that course books just don't have space for. The 3,500 words and phrases presented in the book correspond to CEF levels B1-C2 with particular emphasis on B2 and C1 making it ideal for students who are preparing for IELTS, Cambridge English: First or Cambridge English: Advanced. The popular red 'cover and check' card allows students to test themselves on new vocabulary by making the new words in the tables, or glossary, disappear. They can then try to remember the word or phrase that is being defined. They can do this as man
  • 20,00 Eur
  • 19,00 Eur

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