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  • Páginas: 96
  • Edición: 2014
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,295 kg.
  • Oxford Discover Grammar 3. Student's Book

  • 9780194432658
  • Autor: Tamzin Thompson

  • How do you ensure your students have a full understanding of grammar use, meaning, and form?;Oxford Discover Grammar presents grammar through context, guiding students as they discover meaning. It combines this guided discovery approach with extensive form-based practice, ensuring that students have all the knowledge they need to use English grammar confidently and accurately.;Use alongside Oxford Discover, or on its own to help your students improve their grammar.;Fast paced high level grammar and vocabulary syllabus.;A wide variety of texts types present grammar in use.;Grammar paradigms and tables explain the form and structure.;Lots of opportunities for form practice.;Students personalise the language they have learnt in Let's Write, Let's Talk activities.;Exam Time provides exam type practice for Cambridge Young Learners English Test (levels 1 - 4), KET (level 5) and PET (level 6).;Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own.
  • 15,55 Eur
  • 14,77 Eur

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