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  • 20,90 Eur
  • 19,86 Eur

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  • Edición: 2014
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,26 kg.
  • Over to You 2. Workbook

  • 9780194326667
  • Autor: Bess Bradfield

  • Successful communication, effective learning.Over To You is the innovative course for Bachillerato that ensures students will pass their exams and learn to communicate in real-world situations.Video in every unit to present key language in context.*Listening and speaking tasks fully integrated throughout.All skills are prac;tised in each lesson.An emphasis on helping students learn to learn.Over To You activities in every section enable students to consolidate and personalize their knowledge, resulting in immediate communicate outcomes.A focus on exam preparation as well as real English.Grammar and vocabulary presented in meaningful contexts.Ample support for writing with structured writing guides, a comprehensive writing reference section in the Workbook plus an interactive Writing Tutor to train students in text analysis and construction.A plethora of resources to aid teachers of mixed-ability classes.A comprehensive digital package including a VocApp for smartphones, a Digital Workbook with Writing Tutor and free access to online resources for students and teachers.
  • 20,90 Eur
  • 19,86 Eur

  • * Gastos de envío no incluidos.

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