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  • 39,35 Eur
  • 37,38 Eur

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  • Formato: 14,2x0,9x12,50 cm
  • Edición: 01
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: CD-Audio.
  • Peso: 0,30 kg.
  • English Result Elementary. Class CD (2)

  • 9780194305105
  • Autores: Varios Autores, Mark Hancock, Joe McKenna, Annie McDonald

  • The general English course that takes students from 'how to' to 'can do' in every lesson. Overview English Result is a completely new multi-level general English course for adults. A unique two-page lesson formula combines highly visual input on the left-hand page with classroom activities on the right-hand page. Key features * 'How to...' lessons provide a clear learning focus and practical language that students can use in everyday situations. * A whole page of visually stimulating input maximizes student interest at the beginning of each lesson and keeps motivation high throughout. * 21st-century grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation syllabus with five-skills coverage gives teachers and students everything they need. * 'Put it all together' sections in every lesson help students consolidate what they've learned before they leave the classroom. * An 'I can...' tick line at the end of every lesson helps students reflect on how well they can use the language. * A one-page writing lesson per unit consolidates language covered and builds up to a practical written outcome.
  • 39,35 Eur
  • 37,38 Eur

  • * Gastos de envío no incluidos.

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